Saturday, April 25th, 2015

We’ve been talking a lot lately about making your website mobile friendly; about the recent Google mobile friendly update, and tests to ensure that your site meets the standards that Google are looking for. As with many of the Google updates, one of the best sources of information is directly from the horse’s mouth – […]
general tips, google, Mobilegeddon | No Comments »
Saturday, April 25th, 2015

Google’s mobile-friendly update (a.k.a erroneously as Mobilegeddon) has people talking once again about how important responsive or mobile friendly sites are. But what if you’ve spent a lot of time and money on getting your website to look and work the way you want it to, but it isn’t mobile friendly; do you have to […]
Mobilegeddon, search engine optimisation | No Comments »
Friday, July 15th, 2011
Here’s a really nice infographic which outlines various different elements, both on and off the page, that influence search engine optimisation. It imitates the periodic table to grab your attention: Now, apart from it being a very useful guide for beginners trying to get to grips with concepts like ‘on-the-page’ and ‘off-the-page’ in seo, […]
Tags: link building, seo for beginners, seo terms
band promotion online, Blog, general thoughts, general tips, search engine optimisation | No Comments »
Friday, June 10th, 2011
The folks over at Greenpeace have embraced social networking to huge effect, and this week they launched their latest campaign with a really clever combination of their own site, a dedicated facebook page, and a cool video available on youtube. The story is a simple one – Mattel, the toy giant, has been accused (along […]
Tags: clever use of social networking, environmental news, online activism
facebook, general thoughts, online video, promoting writers online, social networks, twitter, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Monday, April 12th, 2010
So, after a lot of rumours and behind the scenes testing, Google has come out and made it official – the speed of your website is now one of the (over 200) factors taken into account when ranking your site in the search results. Cue widespread panic and a lot of shark-like activity on the […]
Tags: designing your site, establishing an online presence, googlerank, matt cutts, page speed, self-publishing
search engine optimisation | No Comments »
Tuesday, April 6th, 2010
There’s a good article posted by Nine by Blue’s Vanessa Fox (who, when working for google was responsible for google’s webmaster central), about why restaurants should care about local search. Amongst the key points that it makes is that your business needs to take on a holistic approach to its online presence, not concentrating solely […]
Tags: advantages of using twitter, clever use of social networking, establishing an online presence, google, local search, local search optimisation, pr on social networks, the new google?
facebook, general thoughts, google, search engine optimisation, social networks | No Comments »
Saturday, April 3rd, 2010
There’s a interesting, though flawed, marketing campaign going on for Philip Pullman’s latest book, The Good Man Jesus, The Scoundrel Christ. It takes full advantage of social networking and technology to promote the book, and is worth looking at a little more in detail for other novelists promoting their books online – with or without […]
Tags: advantages of using twitter, authors online, clever use of social networking, establishing an online presence, philip pullman, pr on social networks, self-publishing, seo for video
general thoughts, promoting writers online, search engine optimisation, social networks | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
There’s a good article in Mashable magazine entitled ‘Why Your Brand Needs to be on Facebook Now’, which goes back over the fact that Facebook hit a milestone recently when it became a more visited site than google in the US – that’s their main reasoning behind why your brand needs to be up there: […]
Tags: clever use of social networking, company blogs, establishing an online presence, pr on social networks, social network business strategies, social networks for musicians, the new google?
facebook, general thoughts, google, promoting writers online, social networks, twitter | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
Following on from the earlier post about Smashing Magazine’s cash crisis, and the extraordinary measures they’re taking to raise funds, and in response to a comment made there, it struck me that while there’s plenty of talk about how free content is an outdated and unworkable model, hardly anyone talks about the real elephant in […]
Tags: disadvantages of a free website, establishing an online presence, free content model, google, musicians' marketing tips, online advertising, the new google?
general thoughts, google | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010
One of the most popular free content magazines for the web design community, the German run Smashing Magazine, appeared to go slightly crazy yesterday, redirecting all of its pages to an urgent plea asking readers to buy a special ebook ” for 9.90 to help keep the magazine afloat. The move to redirect all of […]
general thoughts | 2 Comments »