Useful tips from Google for mobile friendly websites

Saturday, April 25th, 2015

We’ve been talking a lot lately about making your website mobile friendly; about the recent Google mobile friendly update, and tests to ensure that your site meets the standards that Google are looking for. As with many of the Google updates, one of the best sources of information is directly from the horse’s mouth – […]

Wondering where to start when trying to understand seo?

Friday, July 15th, 2011

Here’s a really nice infographic which outlines various different elements, both on and off the page, that influence search engine optimisation. It imitates the periodic table to grab your attention:   Now, apart from it being a very useful guide for beginners trying to get to grips with concepts like ‘on-the-page’ and ‘off-the-page’ in seo, […]

Fixing sideways videos from i-phone

Friday, June 10th, 2011

The other day I ran into a problem which is becoming increasingly common – how to right a video, taken from an iphone, which displays on its side? I do most of my video conversions with ffmpeg, but the version I have doesn’t have any support for rotating videos (though it does have the possibility […]