Useful tips from Google for mobile friendly websites

Saturday, April 25th, 2015

We’ve been talking a lot lately about making your website mobile friendly; about the recent Google mobile friendly update, and tests to ensure that your site meets the standards that Google are looking for. As with many of the Google updates, one of the best sources of information is directly from the horse’s mouth – […]

My Site Isn’t Mobile Friendly – Do I need a new one?

Saturday, April 25th, 2015
Google's Mobile Friendly Update - do you need a responsive site now?

Google’s mobile-friendly update (a.k.a erroneously as Mobilegeddon) has people talking once again about how important responsive or mobile friendly sites are. But what if you’ve spent a lot of time and money on getting your website to look and work the way you want it to, but it isn’t mobile friendly; do you have to […]

Mobilegeddon – what the hell is it and do I need to panic??

Friday, April 24th, 2015

When Google announced, back in Feb 2015,  that it was going to start adding ‘mobile-friendliness’ as a signal to its search ranking algorithm pandemonium typically ensued, and the term ‘Mobilegeddon – Google’s Mobile Friendly UPdate’ was coined. As it came closer to the April 21st role out, webmasters worldwide were plagued by zealous SEO and […]