It’s official – speed is a factor in google ranking, but don’t panic

Monday, April 12th, 2010

So, after a lot of rumours and behind the scenes testing, Google has come out and made it official – the speed of your website is now one of the (over 200) factors taken into account when ranking your site in the search results. Cue widespread panic and a lot of shark-like activity on the […]

Self-Publishing? What should you pay for your website.

Friday, June 19th, 2009

We’ve already pointed out one horrendous experience had by a self-publishing author (who paid his publisher over ten-times the going rate to register his preferred domain name, and then found that they had actually registered it to themselves). Browsing about we’ve come across another mistake that authors/novelists using self-publishing companies can make. They presume that, […]

Moving domains – an expert experiments

Monday, May 25th, 2009

Back in April Google guru Matt Cutts decided to move his blog from his domain to another that he owns,, changing host and ip address at the same time. All things that can have an impact on how your website performs both for visitors and for search engines. Now he’s moved it back, […]

Google’s Wonder Wheel

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

Google are rolling out various search options that, in theory, will change the way you search for things. It’s unclear how widely available they are at the moment, but plenty of people are seeing a small ‘show options’ link at the top of their search results, which opens up  a new page of tools to […]

Understanding some Web 2.0 fundamentals (with the help of Tim O’Reilly)

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

There’s a great conversation up on between Tim O’Reilly – the publishing guru who was at the forefront of coining and defining the term Web 2.0 – which we recommend to anyone who’s thinking about setting up a website.  For those of you who are up to date with online trends and developments it […]