Ken dumps Barbie in Social Networking coup

Friday, June 10th, 2011

The folks over at Greenpeace have embraced social networking to huge effect, and this week they launched their latest campaign with a really clever combination of their own site, a dedicated facebook page, and a cool video available on youtube. The story is a simple one – Mattel, the toy giant, has been accused (along […]

Marketing Pullman’s ‘The good man Jesus, the scoundrel Christ’ online – some lessons

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

There’s a interesting, though flawed, marketing campaign going on for Philip Pullman’s latest book, The Good Man Jesus, The Scoundrel Christ. It takes full advantage of social networking and technology to promote the book, and is worth looking at a little more in detail for other novelists promoting their books online – with or without […]

But does your brand ‘need’ to be on facebook?

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

There’s a good article in Mashable magazine entitled ‘Why Your Brand Needs to be on Facebook Now’, which goes back over the fact that Facebook hit a milestone recently when it became a more visited site than google in the US – that’s their main reasoning behind why your brand needs to be up there: […]

The SEO Benefits of Video on your site

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

I recently participated on a discussion (on LinkedIn about the advantages/disadvantages of having a video on your home page. The discussion was an interesting one, bringing up various aspects including accessibility, brain-mapping, and general layout pros and cons, but one thing struck me forcefully – the ‘received wisdom’ that video has no seo benefits […]

Alice Hoffman blasts reviewer on Twitter

Monday, June 29th, 2009

There’s an interesting story brewing on Twitter at the moment, as best-selling author Alice Hoffman has taken to task reviewer Roberta Silman for her review of The Story Sisters, Hoffman’s new novel. There are countless blogs and twitter profiles talking about Hoffman’s reaction – she tweeted up to 27 times about the review, going so […]

Want more followers on twitter? One simple tip

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

If you’re using Twitter to promote yourself / your band / your novel / your conference etc it’s obvious that you would like to have a large amount of followers. There’s one single thing, more than any other, that puts us off following people on our various twitter accounts, and it’s a simple thing that […]

Twitter trashes skewed Daily Mail poll

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Right-leaning British newspaper The Daily Mail found itself with egg on its face on Friday as one of its infamously non-neutral polls was targeted by psychologists on twitter. The poll which had the decidedly non-neutral question ‘should the nhs let gipsies to jump the queue?’, raised the ire of a number of psychologists who as […]

Self-Publishing? What should you pay for your website.

Friday, June 19th, 2009

We’ve already pointed out one horrendous experience had by a self-publishing author (who paid his publisher over ten-times the going rate to register his preferred domain name, and then found that they had actually registered it to themselves). Browsing about we’ve come across another mistake that authors/novelists using self-publishing companies can make. They presume that, […]

Google Wave – exciting possibilities

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

So the big news in recent weeks has been the presentation of Google Wave, due to be fully launched later in the year. You can check out the presentation here. As with virtually any new search/social media release, there’s immediate talk of it being a *killer – with twitter being the * in this particular […]

5 Reasons Writers Need Their Own Websites

Friday, May 29th, 2009

The trouble with being dedicated to your job is that you’re like a horse with blinders on – you don’t seem to enjoy the benefits that peripheral vision can bring. Yes, you are focused on your work and enjoy it so much that you have time for little else when you’re busy, but there is […]