Wondering where to start when trying to understand seo?

Friday, July 15th, 2011

Here’s a really nice infographic which outlines various different elements, both on and off the page, that influence search engine optimisation. It imitates the periodic table to grab your attention:   Now, apart from it being a very useful guide for beginners trying to get to grips with concepts like ‘on-the-page’ and ‘off-the-page’ in seo, […]

Ken dumps Barbie in Social Networking coup

Friday, June 10th, 2011

The folks over at Greenpeace have embraced social networking to huge effect, and this week they launched their latest campaign with a really clever combination of their own site, a dedicated facebook page, and a cool video available on youtube. The story is a simple one – Mattel, the toy giant, has been accused (along […]

Don’t forget about local search

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

There’s a good article posted by Nine by Blue’s Vanessa Fox (who, when working for google was responsible for google’s webmaster central), about why restaurants should care about local search. Amongst the key points that it makes is that your business needs to take on a holistic approach to its online presence, not concentrating solely […]

Marketing Pullman’s ‘The good man Jesus, the scoundrel Christ’ online – some lessons

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

There’s a interesting, though flawed, marketing campaign going on for Philip Pullman’s latest book, The Good Man Jesus, The Scoundrel Christ. It takes full advantage of social networking and technology to promote the book, and is worth looking at a little more in detail for other novelists promoting their books online – with or without […]

But does your brand ‘need’ to be on facebook?

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

There’s a good article in Mashable magazine entitled ‘Why Your Brand Needs to be on Facebook Now’, which goes back over the fact that Facebook hit a milestone recently when it became a more visited site than google in the US – that’s their main reasoning behind why your brand needs to be up there: […]

Free Content isn’t the problem – free advertising is the model killing online media

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

Following on from the earlier post about Smashing Magazine’s cash crisis, and the extraordinary measures they’re taking to raise funds, and in response to a comment made there, it struck me that while there’s plenty of talk about how free content is an outdated and unworkable model, hardly anyone talks about the real elephant in […]

Crisis in the free content model over @ Smashing Magazine

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

One of the most popular free content magazines for the web design community, the German run Smashing Magazine, appeared to go slightly crazy yesterday, redirecting all of its pages to an urgent plea asking readers to buy a special ebook ” for 9.90 to help keep the magazine afloat. The move to redirect all of […]

The SEO Benefits of Video on your site

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

I recently participated on a discussion (on LinkedIn http://bit.ly/cgHG8R) about the advantages/disadvantages of having a video on your home page. The discussion was an interesting one, bringing up various aspects including accessibility, brain-mapping, and general layout pros and cons, but one thing struck me forcefully – the ‘received wisdom’ that video has no seo benefits […]

Getting your pages indexed in google’s local search – a google.co.uk case study

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

There has always been plenty of debate about the importance of choosing an appropriate tld (top level domain, like .com, .ie, .co.uk etc), and choosing a hosting service based in your main target market. Until recently the common wisdom was that, if you wanted to rank well in a specific local search engine index, like […]

Shortening the_excerpt in wordpress with substr

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Things have been very busy here for the last couple of months, so sorry for the lack of posts. We hope to resume normal posting shortly. In the meantime, here’s a quick and simple wordpress tip that’s come in handy for us so we thought it would be good to share. One common problem you […]