Alice Hoffman blasts reviewer on Twitter

Monday, June 29th, 2009

There’s an interesting story brewing on Twitter at the moment, as best-selling author Alice Hoffman has taken to task reviewer Roberta Silman for her review of The Story Sisters, Hoffman’s new novel. There are countless blogs and twitter profiles talking about Hoffman’s reaction – she tweeted up to 27 times about the review, going so […]

Want more followers on twitter? One simple tip

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

If you’re using Twitter to promote yourself / your band / your novel / your conference etc it’s obvious that you would like to have a large amount of followers. There’s one single thing, more than any other, that puts us off following people on our various twitter accounts, and it’s a simple thing that […]

Twitter trashes skewed Daily Mail poll

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Right-leaning British newspaper The Daily Mail found itself with egg on its face on Friday as one of its infamously non-neutral polls was targeted by psychologists on twitter. The poll which had the decidedly non-neutral question ‘should the nhs let gipsies to jump the queue?’, raised the ire of a number of psychologists who as […]

Twitter retention rates are worth considering

Monday, May 11th, 2009

The plot is nearly always the same – social networks start off with a technologically clued in vanguard using them, then thanks to word of mouth their user base starts to grow, until that magical moment when the media starts latching on. At that point new users signing up skyrockets alongside hyperbolic predictions about how […]

Moderating Peril – The telegraph twitter trap

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

There were a lot of smug faces in the twittersphere (can you say that?), and abashed techies over at The Telegraph when they decided to publish live tweets posted to the tag #budget during the week, without thinking the obvious – without moderators you’re basically giving an open space for all – including the malicious […]

Using twitter to promote your band

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

Many bands starting out have a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm – they want to evangelize and spread the word about how good their band is. The internet revolution has meant that – as opposed to when bands like the beatles, u2, or even nirvana were starting out – bands nowadays have a huge […]